Examination - May, 2010
Paper : CSE-202-E
Note : Attempt any five
questions. All questions
carry equal marks.
1. (a) What is responsibility of DBA ? 8
(b) Differentiate between 12
(i) DDL and DML.
(ii) procedural nonprocedural DML.
(iii) Logical and physical data independence.
2. (a) What are the difference between a
week and strong entity set ? What is the significance of weak entity ? How can
these both be represented in an ER diagram? 10
(b) With the help of an example describe the process of reduction of an
ER scheme to tables. 10
3. (a) Write about various hashing
techniques. 10
(b) Differentiate between 10
(i) Primary index and secondary index.
(ii) Sequential files and index sequential files.
4. (a) Explain the following operators
of relation algebra giving examples:
Join , division, difference, rename 10
(b)Let the following relation scheme be given : 10
R = (A, B, C)
S = (D, E, F)
Let relation r(R) and s(S) be given. Give
expression in the tuple relational calculates then equivalent to each of the
following :
= 17(r)
X S.
5. (a) Suppose that we decompose the
scheme F=(A, B, C, D) into (A, B, C) and
(A, D, E). Show that this decomposition is a lossless join decomposition
if the following set F of functional dependencies holds :
A -> BC
CD -> E
B -> D
E -> A 10
(b) Differentiate between 3NF and BCNF, Which is a stronger
normal form ? 10
6. (a) What are distributed database ?
Describe their advantage and disadvantages ? 10
(b) What are parallel database ? What their various types? 10
7. (a) Elaborate ACID properties of a
transaction. 10
(b) What steps are required to be taken for recovery of a database system
in the event of failure ? Discuss. 10
8. Write short notes on :
(a) Network and hierarchical data modal
(b) Client – server architecture
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