Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Examination  - May , 2011
Paper : CSE-202-F
Note  : Attempt any five questions in all. Questions  No. 1 is compulsory and attempt at least one Question from each section.

1.       (a) Differentiate between logical and physical data                            independence.                                                                                        4
(b) Why is the concept of a weak entity used in data modeling ? 4
(c)How does multilevel indexing improve the efficiency of searching  an index file ?                                                                                 4
(d) Define BCNF . How does it differ from  3NF?                              4
(e) Elaborate ACID properties of a transaction.                                4


2.     (a) Elaborate the responsibilities of DBA.                                            10
(b) Discuss the role of high- level data model in the database design process.                                                                                                10

3.     (a) What is the difference between the two-tier and three-tier client/server architecture?                                                                       10
(b) Discuss the naming conventions used for ER diagrams.           10


4.     (a) Discuss the various types of inner join operations. Why is theta join erquired ?                                                                                      8
(b) Discuss the entity integrity and referential integrity constraints. Why is each considered important ?                                                    8
(c)What is meant by union compatibility?                                          4

5.     (a) What is the order P of a B-Tree? Describe the structure of B-tree nodes.                                                                                                  10
(b) What is partitioned hashing? How does it work? What are its limitations?                                                                                                           10


6.     (a) What is a SQL trigger ? How is it different from a stored procedure ?                                                                                                         7
(b) Sate Armstrong’s axioms. Why are they considered as sound and complete ?                                                                                         7
(c) Discuss insertion, deletion, and modification anomalies. Why are they considered bad?                                                               6

7.     (a) What is a multi-valued dependency ? What type of constraint does it specify? When does it arise ?                                                          10
(b) What is the dependency preservation property of a decomposition? Why is it important?                                                   5
(c) Define 4 NF. When is it violated ? Why is it useful.                    5


8.     (a)Write about network data model and hierarchal data modal. 15
(b) What are parallel database?                                                                        5

9.     Write short notes on the following :
(a)  Locking techniques for concurrency control.
(b) Database recovery.                                                                             20

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