Examination - B.E, Dec, 2011
Note :
Attempt any five questions. Question No. 1 is compulsory and select one
question from each section. All question carry equal marks.
1. (a) Differentiate primary &
secondary memory. 2.5
(b)Differentiate between multiprogramming and multiprocessing operating
system. 2.5
(c) Explain ternary operator in C by providing suitable example. 2.5
(d) Describe Hypertext and its usability. 2.5
(e) How an array of structure initialized ? 2.5
(f) Declare a pointer to a function that accept three integer arguments
and return a floating point quantity. 2.5
(g) Explain break and continue statement. 2.5
(h) Compare the statements by providing suitable example : i++ and i++. 2.5
Section – A
2. (a) What do you mean by computer ?
Discuss briefly various characteristics of
computer. 8
(b) Differentiate between windows and linux. 8
(c) Working of scanner. 4
3. (a) Explain the Various input/ output
ports and connectors. 10
(b) Classification of operating systems. 5
(c) Working of laser printers. 5
4. (a) Explain different types of
programming language. How we can execute a programme written in these languages
? 10
(b) Explain TCP/IP reference model. 10
5. (a) Explain OSI reference model. 10
(b) Describe relationship between complier, assembler, loader and linker. 10
6. (a) Write a programme in ‘C’ which
generate every 3rd integer between 2 and 100 and calculate the sum
of those integers that are evenly divisible by 5 10
(b) WAP in ‘C’ to print the total count of all the prime numbers between
100 and 500 10
7. (a) WAP in ‘C’ to find the second
smallest and second largest number in the list. 12
(b) How structure within structures are implemented ? How we can acess
the member of these structure ? 8
8. Explain the following
(a) Array of pointers.
(b) Pointer of functions
(c) Dynamic memory allocation
(d) Command line argument
9. (a) WAP to count the number of words,
character and lines in a file. 10
(b) WAP using to clarify the concept of the two parameter passing methods
: call by value and call by reference. 10