HELLO friends here are the question paper for the CSE 4th sem.MDU Rohtak
B.E. 4th sem.(I.T.) Examination, May-2009COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE ORGANISATIOZ Paper-CSE-210-E
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks : 100
Note: Attempt any five question out of eight.
1. (a) Differentiate between edge triggered and leveltriggered flip-flop. 10
(b) Draw and explain the circuit diagram for full adder.
2. (a) Explain the Flynn’s classification of computer. 10
(b) What are the various units in secondary memory? 10
3. (a) Compare and contrast RISC and CISC processor. 10
(b) What are simulation tools ? Write a program for addition of
10 BCD number in MASM 10
4. (a) What is pipelining ? How it is useful in speeding up the speed of operation 10
(b) Explain the implementation process of control unit. 10
5. (a) What is the need for memory hierarchy ? Compare the main memory with cache memory. 10
(b) What is the need for memory hierarchy ? Compare the main memory with cache memory. 10
6. (a) Differentiate between instruction level parallelism and processor level parallelism. 10
(b) Explain the structure of multiprocessor. 10
7. (a) What are memory reference and register reference instructions? 10
(b) What are various type of interrupts ? 10
8. Write short note on : 20
(a) Addressing modes
(b) Architecture of 80 x 86