Saturday, April 10, 2010

mdu question paper for CSE (TCA) 4th sem 4th sem (CSE) Examination, May -2009

1(a) Let X be a sting in {0,1}* of length n. Describe an FA that accept the string X and so other strings. How many state are required ? 10

(b)Suppose M=(Q,∑,qₒ,A,δ) is an FA and suppose that there is some string Z so that for every qєQ, δ*(q,Z)єA. What conclusion can you derive and why? 10

2 If M₁ = (Q, ∑, Δ, δ, qₒ) is a Mealy machine .Prove that there is a Moore machine M₂ equivalent to M₁. convert the following Mealy m/c to Moore m/c :

3. Using the concept of pumping lemma prove that following language are not regular

(a) aⁿbᵐ I n>m

(b) aᶤ bᶨ I 1<=i<=Z and j >=i

(c) aᶤ bᶨ cᵏ dᶥ I I + k = j + l 20

4 (a) Obtain an equivalent right linear grammar for the following left linear grammar

S -> Abc / c

A -> Acc / bc

(b)For the following grammar find an equivalent grammar with no useless symbols.

A -> xyz / Xyzz

X -> Xz / xYx

Y -> yYy / XZ

Z -> Zy / z 20

5 (a) Construct a PDA accepting
L = { aᶤ bᶨ /j = i or j = 2i } 10

(b) What are the main application of PDA ? Discuss briefly. 10

6. Design a turing machine which can find out the remainder when the first number (M) is divided by second number (N). 20

7. (a) Give unrestricted grammars for :

(i) { ww / w is in ( 0 + 1)*}
(ii) {0ᶤ / i is not prime}
(iii) {0ᶤ 1ᶤ 2ᶤ / i>=1} 15

(b) show that the CSL are closed under intersection. 5

8. (a) What is a primitive recursive function ? Show that
f(x, y) = x * y is primitive recursive.

(b) Show that Fibonacci numbers are generated by a primitive recursive function. 20

MDU wuestion paper (DBMS) 4th sem

B.E. 4th semester (I.T.) Examination, MAY-2009

NOTE: Attempt any five question.

1 (a) What are data model ? Why are they required ? What are the differences between conceptual model and record based models?

(b) Discuss three views of data. What are the difference between logical and physical data independence ?

2 (a) What various symbol used in drawing an ER diagram ? Write significance of each symbol.

(b) Construct an ER diagram for a car-insurance company that has a set of customers, each of whom owns one or more cars. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents.

3 (a) Write about various hashing techniques.

(b) What are direct file ? Differentiate between primary and secondary index.

4 consider the relational database as follows:
Employee(emp name, street, city)
Works (emp name, company name, salary)
Company (company name, city)
Manager (employee name, manager name)
For the following queries, give an expression in relational algebra and tuple relational calculus :

(a) Find the name of all employees who work for first bank corporation.

(b) Find the names, street address and cities of residence of all employee who work for first bank corporation and earn more than Rs, 10,000 per annum.

(c) Find the name of all employees who live in the same city and on the same street as do their managers.

(d) Find the name of all employees who don't work for first bank corporation.

(e) Find the names of all employees who earn more than every employee of small bank corporation.

5 (a) Consider a relation R with five attributes ABCDE. You are given the following dependencies:
A->B, BC->E and ED->A
(1) List all key for R ?
(11) Is R in 3NF ?
(111) IS R in BCNF ?

(b) What are MVDS ? Define 4NF.

6 (a) Differentiate between network model and hierarchical model.

(b) What is meant by database recovery ? How log files are used for it?

7 (a) Write a detailed note on data mining.

(b) What are B-trees ? How and where can they be used ? Discuss their organization.

8 Write short note on :
(a) Distributed databases

(b) parallel databases

(c) SQL

(d) Mapping constraints.

MDU question paper for CSE PL(4th sem)

B.E. 4th semester (I.T.) Examination, MAy-2009

TIME ALLOWED : 3 hours maximum marks : 100
NOTE: Attempt any five.

1 (a) Discuss various programming language translators. 10
(b) Define programming language. Explain the syntactic and semantic rules of
a programming language 10

2 (a) Define "Abstract Data Types." What do u mean by data abstraction ? Explain
with example. 10
(b) Discuss 'Name and referencing' environment for data control in a
programming language. 10

3 (a) Write short note on variable size data structures. 10
(b) Define "arrays" and their implementation in a programming language 10

4 (a) Differentiate between static and dynamic scope with example. 10
(b) Discuss the various parameters transmission schemes with example. 10

5 (a) Define sequence control. what do you mean by sequence control within
expression ? 10
(b) Write short note on : 5 X 2
(1) Recursive subprograms
(2) Co-routines.

6 (a) Discuss heap steerage management with examples. 10
(b) Differentiate between system controlled and program controlled
storage management with suitable example. 10

7 (a) Compare procedural language with object oriented programming language
using suitable example. 10
(b) Write short note on declaration and type checking of data structure 10

8 Write short notes on the following : 5 X 4
(a) Scalar data types
(b) Implicit and explicit sequence control
(c) Information Hinding
(d) Exception and exception handlers.

MDU question paper for CSE CAO(4th sem)

HELLO friends here are the question paper for the CSE 4th sem.MDU Rohtak

B.E. 4th sem.(I.T.) Examination, May-2009COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE ORGANISATIOZ Paper-CSE-210-E
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks : 100
Note: Attempt any five question out of eight.
1. (a) Differentiate between edge triggered and leveltriggered flip-flop. 10
(b) Draw and explain the circuit diagram for full adder.
2. (a) Explain the Flynn’s classification of computer. 10
(b) What are the various units in secondary memory? 10
3. (a) Compare and contrast RISC and CISC processor. 10
(b) What are simulation tools ? Write a program for addition of
10 BCD number in MASM 10
4. (a) What is pipelining ? How it is useful in speeding up the speed of operation 10
(b) Explain the implementation process of control unit. 10

5. (a) What is the need for memory hierarchy ? Compare the main memory with cache memory. 10
(b) What is the need for memory hierarchy ? Compare the main memory with cache memory. 10
6. (a) Differentiate between instruction level parallelism and processor level parallelism. 10
(b) Explain the structure of multiprocessor. 10
7. (a) What are memory reference and register reference instructions? 10
(b) What are various type of interrupts ? 10
8. Write short note on : 20
(a) Addressing modes
(b) Architecture of 80 x 86

MDU question paper for CSE

B.E. 4th sem. (I.T.) Examination, May-2009




NOTE: Attempt any five question .All question carry equal marks.

1. (a) What are the basic features of OOPs ? 10

(b) How does C++ structure differ from a C++ class ? 10

2. (a) What is constructor ? What do you mean by dynamic initialization of object ? Give example. 10

(b) Expalin the difference between inline function and friend function with the help of example. 10

3. (a) What do mean by overloading of operator ? What are the rules that govern operator overloading ? 10

(b) Write a program to overload the unary operator. 10

4. (a) What is the usefulness of inheritance ? What are the various type of inheritance ? 10

(b) What is the difference between private, public and protected inheritance? 10

5 (a) What do mean by compile time polymorphism and run time polymorphism ? 10

(b) Distinguish between the virtual function and pure virtual function. Give example. 10

6. (a) How can we create a sequential access file? 8

(b) Write a program to copy the contets of one file to another file byte byte. 12

7. (a) What do u mean by template ? Write a program to demonstrate function template. 10

(b) What is an exception ? Give some reasons that causes exception. 10

8. Write short note on following :

(a) Function overloading 6

(b) Class template 8

(c) File handling in C++ 6